Friday, November 17 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Thornton Salon C (11th Flooor)

Session 77
Carework, Health, and Labor

Chair: Youbin Kang, University of Wisconsin - Madison

1. The Labour of Care in England, 1550-1700Charmian Mansell, University of Cambridge.

2. Labor Unrest, Global Military Supply Chains, and the Chokepoints of Just-in-Time WarCorey R. Payne, University of Richmond.

3. How Contradictions in American Disability Policy Produce Disabled Workers as a Reserve Army of LaborEmily Ruppel, University of California, Berkeley.

4. Work during the 1918–20 Influenza Pandemic in the United StatesBenjamin Schneider, Oslo Metropolitan University.

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 Other sessions on Labor