Friday, November 17 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Glacier (2nd Floor)

Session 67
The Production of Spatial Exclusion

Chair: Alexandra Miller, George Mason University

1. Impacts of Private Sector and Holc Redlining on Neighborhood Racial Change, 1940-1970John R. Logan, Brown University; Rachel McKane, Brandeis University; H Jacob Carlson, Kean University.

2. Zoning and Racial and Ethnic Change in Minneapolis 1960-2020Haku Bo, University of Minnesota; Kate Knowles, University of Minnesota; Evan Roberts, University of Minnesota; Camille Samuelson, University of Minnesota; Ying Song, University of Minnesota.

3. Evolution of Night Train Services over Time: Exploration from Timetables in France in the 20th CenturyChristophe Mimeur, CY Cergy Paris University; Guillaume Carrouet, Art-Dev, University of Perpignan.

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 Other sessions on Historical Geography and GIS