Thursday, November 16 / 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM Glacier (2nd Floor)

Session 36
Land and Empire in North Africa

Chair: Benjamin Kaplow, Yale University

1. The Political Origins of Colonial Land Policy: Evidence from British India and French AlgeriaAdria Lawrence, Johns Hopkins University; Fahad Sajid, University of Chicago.

2. Beyond Dispossession: Colonial Primitive Accumulation as a Process of Race-Making in TunisiaMabrouka M'Barek, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

3. Planning as Risk Management: Soldiers, Land Agents and Spies in Colonial MoroccoAsmaa Elgamal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

4. (Post)Colonial Lands: A Geospatial Approach to the Legacies of Colonial Land Policy in Rural MoroccoBenjamin Kaplow, Yale University.

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