Saturday, November 18 / 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM Everglades (2nd Floor)

Session 201
The Encoding and Monitoring State

Chair: Javier Ezcurdia, Binghamton University

1. Encoding the American EmpireMarija Radovanovic, SUNY Binghamton.

2. When the State Chooses Not to See: The Non-Event of the National Data CenterJohn Bassney, University of Chicago; Elisabeth Clemens, University of Chicago.

3. (UN)Principled Agents: Monitoring Loyalty after the End of the Royal African Company MonopolyMarlous van Waijenburg, Harvard Business School; Anne Ruderman, London School of Economics.

4. Disciplining Capitalists in Communist ChinaJuan Wang, McGill University.

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 Other sessions on States and Society