Saturday, November 18 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Congressional C (Lobby Level)

Session 154
Performance, Resistance, and Segregation: Race, Space, and Place

Chair: Joseph O Jewell, University of Illinois-Chicago
Discussant: Jacob Boersema, New York University

1. The Occlusion of Empire in the Race vs. Class Inequality Debate: A Case Study of the Narrowing of Marxist Thought in the American Sociology of RaceJulia Bates, Sacred Heart University.

2. Racially Housing Organizations: A Theoretical Connection between Hoas, Race, and SpaceJames Baldwin, Texas A.

3. Collective Facework: A Study of Community Relationships in Crown Heights, BrooklynKayla Thomas, Yale University.

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 Other sessions on Race and Ethnicity