Thursday, November 16 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Thornton Salon C (11th Flooor)

Session 13
Race, Class, and Labor Market Inequality

Chair: Katrina Q. Wang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1. The Antithesis of Well-Being: The Mentality and Behaviors of White Working-Class since the 1970sHuan Guo, Sichuan University.

2. Racial Capitalism to Study Labor and Labor Movements: A Critical of Analysis of the Application of Racial Capitalism in Labor ResearchYoubin Kang, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jaylexia Clark, University of Notre Dame.

3. Economic Dependency, Race, and Experiences of Industrial Labor in an East European (Semi)Periphery: The Case of Roma in Late Socialist RomaniaMara Marginean, Romanian Academy. George Baritiu Institute of History.

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